Stream analytics at scale

An advanced real-time data processing framework, crafted from the best of breed big data stream processing tools.

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In 2025 more than 30% of data will be real time data!

The revolution of connected object paves the demand for powerful stream processing technologies. Logisland is one of them: it efficiently captures, analyses, compresses and stores huge volumes of very tiny to very large data.

Your one stop shop framework for all streaming jobs

Logisland is the only technology that offers a unified approach to stream analytics with just simple changes in configurations to select different message buses or distributed engines. A guarantee of independence and stability in a fast changing technological world. Learn more

Plugins for major stream analysis use cases

You all love Google for providing Web Analytics for your Web sites. With Logisland though, in parallel, you can route the same click streams to your own analytics. A bunch of plugins and tools will give you access to your streams and you will be able to link them to your back office for better recommandations, advertising or simply a greater understanding of your business and customers (vision 360 degree).

IoT events are the fastest growing data sets. Many industries find incredible use cases using sensors and actuators. Logisland provides tools for advanced Analytics of I(I)oT data, including impressive data compaction for storage in the major time series databases. Logisland has pluggins for the main industry 4.0 use cases : smart alerting, prediction and trends detection.

Best of Breed Libraries and Standards

Logisland brings a cohesive, fun to use full-stack framework by leveraging best of breed libraries you love and use wired on a standard backbone. Learn more.

High Performance by Design

Logisland is made of high performance core layers, think Spark on Kafka. Everything is done to simplify stream application operation at scale Learn more.

Configuration First

Logisland helps you to boostrap your application quickly. No code required for the most part of streaming operations Learn more.

  component: KafkaEngine
  configuration: GettingStarted
    master: local[2]

Datastore abstraction

Switch from any NoSQL backend easily. (You can go to elasticsearch, SolR, Mongo, Redis) Learn more.

Unifies distributed platforms deployment

Combine Mesos, Yarn, Kubernetes scheduling Learn more.

Highly extensible

Component driven framework, you can integrate whatever legacy code or new processors Learn more.